Madison proudly announces the birth of her 'Sissy' (Megan Abigail).

Born 12/30/2004 at 11:08am

Weight:  7 lbs 4 ozs

Length:  19 inches




Send Megan an e-mail


First Picture with her Mommy about 15 minutes after delivery.

Megan's first visitor ... Uncle Andy

On the road to recovery... all smiles.


Megan's second set of visitors... Auntie Laura, Brady, Madison (and Blake below).


Can you believe cousin Brady is just 6 mos?     Cousin Blake is not sure what all the excitement is about.

The Randol girls... worn out after along day... but still smiling!!!

1 Day old pictures

Proud father with Megan at 1day old... this is first picture with dad... yes, I held her when she

was first born... but no one snapped the picture.


Here is one of the reasons that there are so few pictures of anyone else holding Megan...

Madison held her for about 3 hours straight on Day 1.


Proud Sister!!!


Being held is hard work... this is of course what Megan did most of Day 1.


2 Days Old


The girls checking out Megan on the website from  the hospital bed ...

and reading all your good wishes in Megan's Guest Book.  (What did we do before the internet???)


Megan gets ready to make a get-away from the hospital... Finally!

Everything looks good with both Mom & Child... release approved!!!



Megan's first non-family visitor at home... Madison's neighbor friend, Bailey.


3 Days Old

'nuff said.